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Aquatru Reverse Osmosis System Review

Jennifer Hansen
Last Updated on
by Jennifer Hansen

Looking for the right reverse osmosis (RO) system but want to avoid the hassle of installing an under the sink design? You may have run across Aquatru, a plug-and-play unit that makes reaping the benefits of an RO system easy to obtain. But is it worth the hefty price tag?

We’re going to answer this question and more in this in-depth Aquatru review.

Keep reading to hear our take on this water filter.

Aquatru Review

Aquatru Countertop RO Filter

Now let’s talk about the Aquatru, which has risen to popularity in recent years.

This independently tested reverse osmosis water filtration system provides both delicious and clean water. It removes 99.99% of impurities from tap water, and Aquatru employs the same technology that water bottling companies use. This fact alone speaks volumes about how effective the system is.

It has an impressive five certifications (NSF 42, 53, 58, 401, P473). Aside from being remarkable, these certifications mean you can be sure that you’re drinking clean water. And just one set of Aquatru filters has a significant environmental impact, producing the equivalent of roughly 4,500 single-use plastic water bottles.

But perhaps the best part of the Aquatru is that, unlike other reverse osmosis systems, this countertop unit is easy to set up. You just plug it in, and it’s ready to use. No installation, no permanent changes to your plumbing, and no need to call a plumber are required.

Aquatru Tech Specs

  • Dimensions: 18x18x15 inches
  • Weight: 22.7 pounds
  • Filter process: four stages
  • Filter methods: Reverse Osmosis, Mechanical, and Activated Carbon
  • Maximum water capacity: 3 quarts
  • Includes base unit that houses electronics and fillers
  • Works with a power cable
  • BPS-free plastic/dishwasher safe tanks

How the Aquatru Water Filter Works

So just how does this product filter water? Well, the Aquatru features a four-stage filter process that removes 83 contaminants. Toxins such as lead, arsenic, chlorine, nitrates, and more are eliminated throughout these stages.

Stage 1:

During the first filtration stage, the device removes physical impurities like stones, dust, and sand, from the water. Stage one allows for the more efficient running of the phases that follow.

Stage 2:

Aquatru activates the carbon pre-filter in stage two, which removes 99 percent of chloramines and chlorine. 

Stage 3:

Stage three is the ultra-reverse osmosis filter stage, which is when toxic, inorganic contaminants are removed. Stage three is the most critical for getting rid of health-damaging toxins.

Stage 4:

Finally, the activated coconut block carbon filter is activated in stage four, which is responsible for getting rid of organic compounds (like rocket fuel, PFAS, prescription drug residue, etc.).

Installation and How to Use the Aquatru

As we’ve mentioned already, installation is simple. After just a few minutes, the unit will be up and running because the system comes ready to use. All the filters arrive in the box, and they require minimal assembly. Please note that Aquatru recommends cleaning each tank before use with hot, soapy water.

The installation process is as follows:

  • Once you’ve cleaned and dried the tank, attach the power cord to the Aquatru.
  • Lift the side cover on the base and put in the three filters. Each filter and its corresponding location is color-coded, making them easy to insert. Put the cover back on.
  • Put the filtered water tank in position at the front of the unit. Fill the other tank with water and put it back on the unit.
  • Switch on the Aquatru.
  • The device will begin to filter, and you may notice bubbles the first time you use it, which is normal. The control panel offers information about what each filter is doing.
  • Once the filtration system is finished, position your glass under the filtered water tank at the front of the base. Hit the blue button, and your clean, contaminant-free water will come out.

The contaminants Aquatru extracts from your water are deposited in the tank at the back of the base, and you’ll have to dispose of this water periodically. The clean water tank can be left on the unit, or you can store it in the fridge if you prefer to have cold water.


When it comes to water waste, the Aquatru performs somewhat better than under-the-sink reverse osmosis filtration systems. It wastes about 25 percent of the water it filters during the RO process, whereas its competitors waste about three gallons of water to every gallon produced. It also works quickly, filtering a gallon of water in just ten to fifteen minutes.

And when it comes to general performance, the Aquatru has plenty of positive reviews online. Most reviewers are delighted with how the system works, highlighting how straightforward it is to use. They also note that the taste it delivers is fantastic, and many people say that Aquatru gives them the best tasting water they’ve ever had. 


But how does the Aquatru stack up when it comes to maintenance?

The device is very self-sufficient. The manufacturer advises flushing it with pure water once a week to clean the unit. But aside from this weekly step, you can mostly forget about the Aquatru. The machine even includes a digital display that tells you when the filters need to be replaced.

How Often Are The Filters Replaced?

AquaTru Replacement Filters

The Aqua True filters last anywhere from six to twenty-four months. The RO filter can filter up to 1200 gallons (or around two years), and the pre-filter and VOC both last up to 600 gallons, or six months. Plus, the unit tracks the number of gallons you’ve consumed, which eliminates the need to worry about that feature.

The bottom line? You’ll have to replace a filter once or twice per year. They’re readily available online at a reasonable price, and they require no tools to change them. Just twist and seal, and you’re good to go. Be sure to push the filter reset button when you change them.

Aquatru Refund Policy

The Aquatru includes a standard thirty-day money-back guarantee. It also has a one-year limited warranty that covers defects in materials or workmanship. Note that the warranty does not cover filters.

Aquatru Pros and Cons

Finally, let’s take a look at some pros and cons of the Aquatru system.

  • Easy to use
  • Sleek design
  • Easy to install
  • Its low profile can fit on any countertop 
  • Easy to maintain
  • Plastic used is BPA and BPS-free Tritan
  • Smaller holding tank than under sink RO systems 
  • Some reviewers mentioned having issues with leaking
  • Some mentions of products that stopped working after a short time

By now, you’ve seen that the main advantages of the Aquatru system are its ease of use and forget-about-it design. We also like that it has a low enough profile to fit on pretty much any countertop, no matter how small your kitchen or workspace. However, it does have some downsides to note.

The low profile design means that the Aquatru’s holding tank is smaller than under sink RO systems, but that’s a fair tradeoff considering the price difference. With regard to the leaking issues, it appears that you need to install the components just so to avoid this problem. And although there were some Aquatru complaints regarding faulty products, these were few, and the one-year warranty would cover these issues.

The Bottom Line

After learning all about the Aquatru, it’s time for the moment of truth—our opinion about this product. Is it worth it? Is its rather hefty price tag justified?

The answer? If you’re still interested after reading this review, yes—especially if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of installing a professional filtration system and later maintaining it. The product has plenty of positive reviews from people that are happy with the water taste and the overall performance of the Aquatru. 

But like any product, some reviewers complained about the quality of the unit, a factor to take into consideration. Though, given the one-year warranty, this negative shouldn’t cause too much worry.

On the whole, you get a powerful machine that does its job and is much cheaper and easier to install than under-the-sink units. We say give it a try if you have your eye on it.

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About Jennifer Hansen
Jennifer Hansen
Jennifer is a clean water enthusiast and the lead editor of Water Filter Spot and created this website several years ago to share information that she's been researching in this industry for over 20 years.Jennifer studied environmental resource science in college and studied Western US water issues, including water policy, water rights, water pollution and environmental concerns.
Jennifer Hansen
    1. Hi Julie, yes, reverse osmosis systems like this one are highly effective at removing the vast majority of fluoride from the water.

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