Hi, thanks for visiting Water Filter Spot. My name is Jennifer Hansen and my goal for this website is to give you a highly useful and reliable resource for finding the right equipment for your home or business, especially when it comes to water filters.
A fundamental thing in our life is access to clean pure water. You’ll find the results of our extensive research into water purification systems, whether they are reverse osmosis systems, water softeners, and even distillers.
We are passionate about clean, pure, and great tasting water for our families and work hard to survey the best equipment in the industry to give you unbiased reviews. We also spend time finding discussing different types of systems that may work better for your home and business, such as whole house systems, under sink units, or just simple filtered water pitchers.
We sincerely hope your enjoy our articles and they help you make smarter decisions for your home or business.
Warm regards,
Jennifer & the entire Water Filter Spot Team
The Water Filter Spot Team

Jennifer studied environmental resource science in college and studied Western US water issues, including water policy, water rights, water pollution and environmental concerns.
Since water is such a fundamental human need, Jennifer has brought her passion and extensive knowledge of the industry forward at Water Filter Spot to help consumers and businesses make intelligent choices for their water needs.

Jennifer and Paul collaborate on information on this website, research products together, and discuss the state of the industry and what is available to households and businesses for their clean water needs.

Sharing the same passion for clean water and quality filter systems, they decided that working together to bring quality information to the consumer at Water Filter Spot would be a great fit for the two of them.